Food Safety
Food Standards
Food Security
Food Sustainability
- Food Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Pre-Pro-Post-Syn-biotics ( FMB)
- Food quality and regulations (Import, Export, and food standards) – (FQR)
- Food waste management, Byproduct utilization & value addition and Circular economy – (FWM)
- Fruit & Vegetable products; Functional foods and Nutraceuticals for Health and Wellness (FVP)
- Food Preservation, shelf life and sustainable packaging (FPS)
- Traditional foods, Ethnic foods and Ayush Ahaar (TEA)
- Food-Ingredients, Enzymes and Additives (FEA)
- Modern Tools in Food Science- AI & ML-based technologies, 3D food printing and related (MTF)
- Emerging Food Pathogens and Contaminants (EFP)
- Future foods- Alternate proteins, Aqua foods and Superfoods (FAS)
- Meat and Dairy Products (MDP)
- Innovative Engineering for food processing (IEP)
- Food Chemistry and Analytics (FCA)
- Food laws and Food Standards; Harmonisation for Globally acceptable Food Standards (FSH)
- Grains, Millets and Nutri Cereals; Bakery and Confectionery products (GMN)
- Military Nutrition and Space foods (MNS)