Poster Abstract





30th ICFoST: Sub Themes

Food Safety

Food Standards

Food Security

Food Sustainability

  1. Food Microbiology, Biotechnology, and Pre-Pro-Post-Syn-biotics ( FMB)
  1. Food quality and regulations (Import, Export, and food standards) – (FQR)
  1. Food waste management, Byproduct utilization & value addition and Circular economy – (FWM)
  1. Fruit & Vegetable products; Functional foods and Nutraceuticals for Health and Wellness (FVP)
  1. Food Preservation, shelf life and sustainable packaging (FPS)
  1. Traditional foods, Ethnic foods and Ayush Ahaar (TEA)
  1. Food-Ingredients, Enzymes and Additives (FEA)
  1. Modern Tools in Food Science- AI & ML-based technologies, 3D food printing and related (MTF)
  1. Emerging Food Pathogens and Contaminants (EFP)
  1. Future foods- Alternate proteins, Aqua foods and Superfoods (FAS)
  1. Meat and Dairy Products (MDP)
  1. Innovative Engineering for food processing (IEP)
  1. Food Chemistry and Analytics (FCA)
  1. Food laws and Food Standards; Harmonisation for Globally acceptable Food Standards (FSH)
  1. Grains, Millets and Nutri Cereals; Bakery and Confectionery products (GMN)
  1. Military Nutrition and Space foods (MNS)