30th ICFoST 2024

Focal Theme: FoodSSSS – “Food Safety, Standards, Security and Sustainability”

Oral Presentations:

Researchers are requested to submit their abstracts based on their abstracts based on original research work related to food science and technology along with short biodata to the Organizing secretary by Email: 30thicfost@gmail.com. Papers for oral presentations will be selected after scrutiny. Presenting authors must register for the conference. Abstracts not selected for oral presentations may be considered for poster presentation and the same will be intimated to the authors in advance.

Poster Presentations:

Poster abstracts should be submitted through online medium to the web link - www.icfost.org
On any field of science/technology and allied areas with special emphasis in the themes provided. Presenting authors must register for the conference. Poster abstracts should be limited to maximum 150 words. The poster should be prepared with the dimension of 3ft height * 4ft width and the font should be bold and visible from a distance of 3 meters for submission of posters, kindly refer the guidelines/format on www.icfost.org

Food Expo(Industrial Exhibition):

Food Expo is arranged during the ICFoST to show-case the food processing machineries instruments, ingredients, processed foods, Institutions, publishers interested may contact Organizing Secretary to book their stalls. The tariff per stall of 3m*3m dimension is Rs.25,000.

Award Ceremony:

Recognition of the awardees of various awards of AFST(I), winners of best poster, best oral presentation and achievements of students, young scientists, professionals, industrialists will be held during the convention.


Delegates have to make their own arrangements for accommodation. However, few accommodation provisions and tariff will be uploaded in AFST(I) website (www.afsti.org) and conference website (www.icfost.org). The same can be booked directly on first cum first serve basis. The delegates are requested to contact the Organizing Secretary in case of any help through email contacts.

If any further clarification and more information about conference please contact: Organizing secretary by Email: 30thicfost@gmail.com